Monday, October 26, 2009

“Mommy!” The six year old petite girl screamed at her parent as she was carried down the stone pathway towards the gate by to strange men.

“Teli! No! Please bring my baby back!” Her mom yelled giving futile attempts to break the hold another man had on her.

“Listen here! You have no right to take our child. I do not care what you found or believe. She is our daughter.” Her bound father’s words did not go unheard, but the men did not listen. Teli’s cries echoed.

“We will get our daughter back! I promise you if I have to hunt you all down myself!”

“Daddy!!” Teli’s voice was drowned out by the sound of the gun shots. She watched as his lifeless form was allowed to fall to the dusty ground. Tears streamed down the little girls face. She didn’t understand the gravity of the situation, but she knew it was bad. Death was something she had yet to comprehend.

“Trent! Please! Don’t do this! Just let us live in peace.” Her mother’s plea reached her ears, but the man’s reply was covered by his fatal shots.

Feelings filled the small six year old, Emotions that she couldn’t explain. It was like jumping into a pool of ice water naked. She felt as if all the joy in the world was ripped from her soul. It was as if she could never be happy again. She stared a little while at the still forms of her parents before they took her out of the gate.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

She was close now. The rain soaked her clothes, but any sense of care was not shown on her face. A tranquil breeze bit at her frozen body, but she continued to her destination. A house at the edge of the main road stood in all its majesty. The gate in front of the mansion was locked shut and the chain that was used was rusted and weatherworn. The stone fences that surrounded the site were vine covered. The ancient house appeared to be in a hole in time, held in place by the hands of time itself. It was almost the same way she had left it six long years ago.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Chapter 1

“In International news, a Boy from the United States in the state of Illinois was found miraculously alive after the Light rail system he was traveling on, malfunctioned and exploded causing the deaths of nearly 150 people. There were no other survivors reported. Medics and scientists are baffled that the 17 year old boy was found in the wreckage without injury. “

Teli listened to the news through a shop window. She shook her head at the almost unbelievable report. The day was a dreary gray with a slight drizzle. She walked through the damp streets of the wispy town. The walkways were empty of all usual pedestrians. Only the occasional car would pass by. She remembered the cheer and happiness that was prominent in the city, but the light rain before the depending rain shower caused the townsfolk to take shelter in their homes. As Teli went towards her destination she caught an occasional person watching her from a window. When their glances met the person would hurry away from the window as if to see a monster. She was not a monster; she was just a normal girl. She didn’t harm anyone and wouldn’t do so.

Why did they stare at her? Did they recognize her? How could they? She had not been there for many years. Were they actually scared of her? Maybe it was her long midnight hair that covered her face and her oversized jacket that went over her hands and drowned most of her body that scared people.

Memories flashed through her memory as she continued walking down the avenue. She passed a bread store where she used to come with her mother. She remembered how her mother would allow her to pick out a special treat each time they went. Teli could still smell the faint waft of fresh bread and baked goods.

A thunder clap flashed her back into real life. The rain started coming down harder. It didn’t affect her pace.