Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thunder crashed on the scene in the park. They were getting nowhere. She remained under the dark trees in her huddled position as a shadow like figure approached her slowly. She stared at the figure cautiously. She could hear the mud of the park suck at the approaching entities shoes.

“Teli? I am Mr. Kimbal. I want you to come with me.” The man stood over her. All she could see is a dark outline.

“Leave me be.” She whispered.

“We want to help you. Let us help you.” Mr. Kimbal tried to reason with her.

“I do not need help. I need to be left alone.” Her monotone voice died in the rain.

“Why are you angry? Why did you run away?”

“It does not matter. I am out that is what matters.”

“Do you want to hurt people?”

“No I just want to be alone, all alone.”

“If you come with me you will be alone. Do not worry.” He stretched out his long arm to her. A moment passed in the rain.

“Do not trust you. I will not go with you. I asked nicely that you leave me alone. Please obey my wishes.” The pounding of the rain surrounded them.

“Teli, please we just want to help you. “

“No!” she shrilled, her eyes burning green. The man suddenly elevated off the ground, and he let out a scream of fright. Anger shot through her veins as she stared at the shocked man hanging above her in the air. His worthless whimpering never reached her ears. The awed police force stared in silence. The moments of endless rain fall passed as if hours. The dense stillness was pierced by a sharp explosion. As Teli’s head shot a glance in the direction of the noise, the dangling man fell in a heap to the chilled earth. The remaining men were immediately occupied in a bitter skirmish with a foe unseen by the twelve year old. Without a second notion, Teli quickly slipped into the shadows of the tall trees and made her escape.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

“Teli, the doctor won’t hurt you. We only want to help you.” “Ok.” A shy eight year old girl followed the old wrinkled doctor. The Doctor appeared to be a kind man, but looks can deceive. His white lab coat flowed in front of her. She looked through her black hair at the adult guiding her. The cold grabbed at her exposed ankles. Her graying white gown swished around her calves. The hall was unknown to her. The truth was that most of the places they took her were unknown to her. The echo of her bare feet slapping against the cement ground snapped at her ears. The moistness in the air clenched her lungs. A door creaked violently open in front of her. She hastily followed her guide into the room before it crashed shut. A strange fear ran through her spine. She was accustomed to fear. Things haunted her in her head. Her dreams were full of things that frightened her. She had been too many places before. Places like this one, but the feeling here was different. She was guided to a metal table in the middle of the room. The cold grew until she could see her breathe. The Doctor motioned to her to stop before she reached the table. She had time to see the usual instruments and tools on a small table next to her. She had been in rooms like these before; they would test her normal vital signs and make sure she was in good health. They did that to all the patients at the institute at least she thought they did. She was never allowed to see any of the other patients. One of the doctor’s assistants approached her and led her to the metal table. She followed directions and laid on the frozen table. The chill went through the thin gown and penetrated to her bones. That is when all went wrong. They bound her to the table. They never did that before. The metal bonds bit at her wrists and ankles. She made no sounds or movements. She allowed the fear to attack her soul. She darted her eyes back and forth trying to understand what was happening. A sharp pinch hit her arm and before she could release a gasp she was asleep

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sirens sounded announcing the approach of the police. She looked up at the lights that pointed at her.

“Leave me alone.” She said quietly.

Soon she was surrounded by a small army of police men.

“Teli, we don’t want to hurt you. Come with us and everything will be fine.” A voice boomed out.

“Just leave me be.” She whispered.

A tense silence filled the park. The hum of the lights surrounded them. The sound of the rain pounding against the metal cars almost drowned out the hum of the lights. In the silence their voices filled her mind:

“She’s going to kill us all.”

“What do we do?”

“I hope they know what they are doing.”

“Let’s get out of here.”

“I want to see my family again.”

“May God bless us.”

The chattering filled her mind. All she could hear were their thoughts. They enveloped her not allowing her to escape. Not even one of her thoughts could penetrate the barrier that was created.

“Stop it! Leave me alone! Get out of my head!” Teli let out an ear piercing scream while she gripped her head in frustration.

Her violet eyes glowed strangely.

“No, I mustn’t let it loose.” She buried her frozen face in her knees again.

“Please Teli; we only want to help you.” The voice tried to convince her.

That is what they said four years earlier.