Saturday, December 5, 2009

All of her parents clothes were in there and had remained frozen in time like the rest of the house. She crawled over the shoes and got behind her dad’s old guitar to a small hatch that was hidden in the back. She lifted it up and it dropped into a chute. She fit her small body into the chute and dropped down. She slide along to the entering door to a hidden fallout shelter. It was made about a hundred years before during the Cryptic Crisis War. Most houses had them for when the Cryptic terrorists attacked either with nuclear weapons or if they invaded the city. It was so long ago but the effects still could be seen on the earth. The world government was able to finally able to rid the world of the terrorist group, but not after the thirty years of horror they brought to the earth. Their was not one part of the world left untouched or that did not have members of the vile group, but through unknown means they were exterminated from the planet. For almost the last hundred years the world has lived in peace, but in total ignorance of what exactly happened with the war.

She approached the thick metal door. The material was unknown to her, but she knew that it if a nuclear bomb was dropped on top of it no damage would be done. She gave a eye scan to open the barrier. She remembered so long ago when her parents added her eye to the memory of the security system. They told her only to enter if it was an emergency. She considered this an emergency. She entered the dark chamber. The large door shut with a thud leaving her in the pitch black area. A couple dim lights shot on in the small room.

"Decontamination Activated."

The computer announced. A high pitch shocking sound floated around the room killing all contaminants.


  1. Still a great story going on here. I like the sci-fi, post-apocalyptic feel to this post that I hadn't gotten from the first ones. Are you going to continue posting the rest of the story somewhere after the semester is over?

  2. This blog great!! I love science fiction, and each post has me wanting more! Is there a certain writer that influences you? The text seems to have a underlying ironic tone.

  3. Well written. I like how the sentences that describe the back story are longer than the sentences that tell what's happening at the moment. The shorter sentences give a sense of urgency, and almost mimic a heartbeat.

  4. I would like to keep up on this story after this semester. Sadly It will not be on the priority list like it previously was. To answer if there is a certain writer who influences me, I can't say I have one in mind, but I like reading and analyzing what other writers do to make there stories great. Thank you for all you helpful comments.

  5. Good for you for keeping up your creative self-discipline over the semester. You have a good sense for how to create a small chunk of story that moves the story forward a step and raises questions, much as a good dramatic comic strip does. I hope you'll keep going if only for a few minutes a week...
